Will you and Mega Man penetrate the seven separate societies of Dr. Hidden amid gun turrets imbedded in concrete uprights, even in subterranean passages under icefields. ak-74 alucard alvin Among us Angel Animal Animal jam Anime Antelope Arthur ash ketchum ATTACK on titan avengers Baby yoda BATMAN ben 10 bendy Bewear body butterfly CAPTAIN AMERICA cars cartoons chica chicago bears Cinderella clash of clans Darwin Death Death note Demon slayer Dinosaurs Disney Dragon Dragon ball Dragon ball z elephant eye of. They're atop, in and out of fortified prison-like structures strengthened with thick walls. The action involves MEGA MAN, armed only with laser beam weapons, encountering strangely-configured Humanoids. By himself, he must break-down and destroy the followers of empire leaders: Cutman, Gutsman, Iceman, Bombman, Fireman, Elecman and Dr. He must infiltrate seven separate heavily-guarded empires. For he dares to single-handedly penetrate Monsteropolis' seven separate societies to stop the rapid expansion of strange misrepresentations of humans.

MEGA MAN - the chosen defender of the human race. It's MEGA MAN versus the powerful leaders and fighting forces of Monsteropolis - that strange multi-layered land of robot-like Humanoids created by the wrongly-performed experiments with human beings by Dr.